Terms and Conditions
This website details the services offered by “KALCKER INSTITUTE” based in CH-9468 Sax, Hueb 10, Switzerland.
Your use implies the acceptance of the following conditions, declining to make any claim on them.
This website contains texts elaborated for purely informative or divulgative purposes, which may not reflect the current state of legislation or jurisprudence, and which refer to general situations, so their content should not necessarily be applied by the User to concrete cases.
a) The use of this website is intended for persons of legal age. Minors are not authorized to use this website.
b) “Kalcker Institute” may modify the content of the website, its services and products, rates, guarantees, etc., at any time and without prior notice.
c) “Kalcker Institute” may make available to the user links or other elements that allow access to other websites belonging to third parties. We do not commercialize the products and services of these linked pages, nor do we assume any responsibility for them, nor for the information contained therein, nor for their veracity or legality, nor for any effects that may arise therefrom.
d) The prices indicated on the website, if any, are valid except for typographical errors, and are subject to change without prior notice.
e) It is not necessary to register in the web, neither to facilitate any type of personal data, to sail for the same one.
f) “Kalcker Institute” cannot guarantee the uninterrupted or error-free operation of this website. Therefore, we are not responsible for any damage caused by the use of this site.
g) “Kalcker Institute” offers its services and products indefinitely, being able, however, to suspend the provision of the same.
h) “Kalcker Institute” will not be held responsible for any damages, own or to third parties, caused by a bad use of this website by the User.
i) The User agrees not to use this website or the services offered on it to carry out activities contrary to the law, public order or these conditions. The User who acts against the image, good name or reputation of “Kalcker Institute”, as well as the one who uses illicitly or fraudulently the designs, logos or contents of the web and/or attempts in any way against the intellectual and industrial property rights of the web or of the contents and services of the same, will be responsible before “Kalcker Institute” for his actions.
j) “Kalcker Institute” is not responsible for viruses originating from a telematic transmission infiltrated by third parties generated with the purpose of obtaining negative results for a computer system.
k) “Kalcker Institute” is not responsible for the information and contents stored, including but not limited to, in forums, chat’s, blog generators, comments, social networks or any other means that allow third parties to publish contents. However, and in compliance with the provisions of art. 11 and 16 of the LSSI-CE, “Kalcker Institute” is available to all users, authorities and security forces, and actively collaborating in the removal or blocking of all content that could affect or contravene national or international legislation, the rights of third parties or morality and public order. In the event that the User considers that there is on the website any content that could be susceptible to this classification, please notify the website administrator immediately.
l) This website has been checked and tested for proper functioning. In principle, it can be guaranteed to function correctly 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. However, “Kalcker Institute” does not rule out the possibility that certain programming errors may occur, or that force majeure causes may make temporary access to the website impossible.
m) The content of the articles published on this website cannot be considered, in any case, as a substitute for legal advice. If it were the case, the User should not act on the basis of the information contained in this web site without previously resorting to the corresponding professional advice.
n) “Kalcker Institute” reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to the website and/or the services offered without prior warning, at its own request or at the request of a third party, to those Users who do not comply with our Conditions of Use.
1) Legal Terms for purchase at Kalcker Institute
These Legal Terms and Conditions regulate the use of the online store, for which Kalcker Institute, hereinafter Kalcker Institute, is legally responsible. These Conditions will be accepted by the parties without reservation, and may be modified at any time and without notice, so it is the responsibility of the user to read them each time you make a purchase, since the conditions in force at the time of conclusion of the contract, will be those that are applicable.
2) Applicable regulations
This electronic contract is concluded under Swiss law. The electronic contract will not be stored by a third party and the language for its conclusion is English. The present general conditions may be saved and reproduced at any time by the user who makes a purchase through the options of his internet browser, and must be accepted before proceeding to the payment of the contract.
3) User Account and Error Correction. In order to be able to make online purchases in this shop/academy it is necessary to register by creating a “User Account”. You can register at any time by clicking on the corresponding link, or during the purchase process. Once registered, the User will receive an email confirming that the process has been successfully completed and a reminder of the access data. From the account you will be able to make purchases, check your order history, change your password, modify your personal data, modify your billing address, make comments, and other procedures or formalities related to your purchases. In addition, at any time, you can access your private account to check your personal information and addresses and, if necessary, correct any errors that may have occurred in the entry of data or update them. Billing addresses may also be corrected or updated during the checkout process. You may unsubscribe at any time by sending an email from the address you wish to unsubscribe to info@kalckerinstitute.com, which will result in the cancellation of your personal data. The creation and cancellation of a user account shall be governed by the provisions of the Privacy Policy.
4) Purchase Process
Buying at Kalcker Institute is easy and simple, just follow these steps:
1º.- Select the services you wish to purchase from among those offered by Kalcker Institute. By clicking on each service, you will access its file, which includes a detailed description with information, main features and price. If you need to know more, do not hesitate to ask us.
2º.- Once you have selected the service(s) you wish to contract, you must click on the “Buy” button, and the service will be added to your shopping cart. If you wish, you can continue adding more services to the cart, or proceed directly to the payment.
3º.- Once the selection of services has been completed, a summary will appear. Finally, to continue, you must click on the “Checkout” button. 4º.- As we have indicated in previous sections, at the end of your purchase, you will have to register, indicating your data. In your next purchases you will not have to enter them again, because they will be stored in your User Account.
5º.- Finally, you must choose the payment method among those offered by Kalcker Institute (see next section).
6º.- Once the contracting process is finished, we will send you an email with the details of the contract, as well as a proof of purchase or invoice. If you do not receive this email within 24 hours, or if you notice any error in the data entered, please contact us by any of the following means: Notifying it in the “Contact” section of this website.
Writing to the following e-mail address: info@kalckerinstitute.com
You can also request a paper invoice by contacting us within 15 days after the purchase, and we will send it to you at no additional cost. 5) Methods of payment
Kalcker Institute has several payment methods to facilitate your order:
- Stripe
- Credit or debit card
- Bank transfer
Below, we specify the conditions for each of these payment methods.
6) Prices, taxes, fees and duties
Prices are expressed in Euros, and are valid except for typographical errors. In the event of a manifest error in the pricing that appears in the service file, the price established for that service in the informative email that we will provide you when we detect the error will prevail.
7) Returns
In Kalcker Institute online courses will not admit the exercise of the right of withdrawal if the user has accessed the training platform, for it will be recorded.